News about a landscape designer in Bordeaux

portrait de Marie Lucie Troprès paysagiste à Bordeaux - entreprise Centaurea Design

New building site on the Arcachon Bay

JuLY 2nd, 2024

This particular garden within walking distance to the seaside stands out for the strong choice made for the house painted in black.

The bright colors of the plants will be highlighted by the contrast with black.

I finished the design work a few months ago and the project started a month ago.

The road and fencing work are completed : Planting work is on the way!


Architect of the house: Sandrine Mercurio

Landscape gardener: Simon Hirtz

Roadworks and Fencing: LM Garden

portrait de Marie Lucie Troprès paysagiste à Bordeaux - entreprise Centaurea Design

🌿 Work completed

June 1st, 2024

After a few months of construction work, this vineyard is also a place of reception and visit.

Finally finished, we can see the lawn taking shapes and giving life to all the shapes I drew about a year ago.

Wishing the best to this garden!


portrait de Marie Lucie Troprès paysagiste à Bordeaux - entreprise Centaurea Design

🌿 Work in progress

March 1st, 2024

This month, I am highlighting a work in progress that will be delivered in early April.

L’If, Vineyard in Saint Laurent des Combes (neighbour of Saint-Emilion) has had a makeover this year and the outdoor spaces are no exception.

The craftmen that are involved in this project I’ve designed and managing : Serge Maury (Roads and Utility Services), Barousse (Masonry, Walling), Laurent Perez (lighting) and Lefebvre Paysage (Soft landscape)

See you in a  month for photos of the final look for this garden! 

portrait de Marie Lucie Troprès paysagiste à Bordeaux - entreprise Centaurea Design

🌿 Today I am 7 years old! The age of reason? 🌷

February 1st, 2024

I created Centaurea Design with the desire to combine my first life as an agricultural engineer (Thank you Bordeaux Agro Sup) and my new life as a landscape designer (thank you London College of Garden Design) to give shape to gardens WELL ALIVE where nature is really welcome.

I’m starting this eighth year with lots of ideas and exciting projects! 💪.